The Ministerial Staff consists of Elders and Ministers who have been commanded by God  to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” – 2 Timothy 2:15. 

These men and women of God are trained to preach, teach, and evangelize.  They have been endowed with the power of God to lay hands on the sick and they will recover, to heal the brokenhearted and to set the captive free.


The Ministerial Staff meets the third Saturday of each month at 11:00 AM
with Bishop Carter for an intense and informative training class.
We are studying in the book “The Call of God” by Jefferson Edwards.
ISBN is 1-56229-406-7.
Our next study will be “How to Prepare Sermons” by William Evans. 
ISBN is 0-8024-3725-7

In our training we have learned to:

Stand Up to be seen | Speak Up to be heard | Sit Down to be appreciated

Start Slow… |Rise High … | Strike Fire … | Sit Down

We invite you to come and join us for Wednesday Bible Class. 
We are studying in the book
“The Bible” by Larry Richards
Join us, God has a blessing waiting just for you. 


Church Location

First Missionary Baptist Church
3725 Flat Shoals Road
College Park, Georgia 30349
770.892.4800 Fax 770.892.4888